Sapodilla Tips
by admin | October 18, 2023 6:19 am
- Sapodillas are ripe when you scratch the skin and it appears brown – this technique avoids the grainy/gritty texture and won’t harm the fruit. It’s nice blended with crushed ice as a juice. Ref: Research Station, Vietnam
- Very slow growing and needs a lot of nitrogenous fertiliser and they will bear heavily when they get old – it’s is one of the highest sugar content fruits and belongs to the family Sapotecea. Ref: Bob Brinsmead – Tropical Fruit World.
- Easy to graft when it starts to warm up in spring. Choose budsticks with slight budswell visible. Trim off leaves. Cleft graft with deep cleft, long wedge. Wrap tightly with stretch tie. Then wrap with budding tape. Keep in shade until they start to push. 1 year old seedlings make the best rootstocks. Ref: Stephen Brady
- Trees that are a little more difficult to graft we use scions with their leaves left on, like a cutting. And put them in under intermittent mist and fog until the grafts have taken. We have found this works well during summer with Sapodilla, Black Saptoe, Jakfruits, Soursops. Ref: Daleys
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