by admin | October 17, 2023 10:08 am
Tytags is an Australian company where you can go online and design your own and have software so you can print your own.[1] Usually these lightweight aluminium tags come with thin copper wire and I’ve heard that birds can be attracted to them so consider using plastic cable ties to adhere. There’s also software called Plant Tag N Track and using a laser printer, print on waterproof sheets of pot sticks, hang tags, and even bench signs. It also keeps all the info you put in so it’s ready for the next time you propagate plants. As an emergency/quick-fix, I also found that writing the name on the main-trunk with a Sharpie marker is very helpful (and it out-lasts plastic). The best is what the botanic gardens use with engraved plastic with double layers one with white underneath and black on top. A friend at Mt Annan BG told me that these will eventually become brittle in the sun-but most of the time the label is mounted in partial shade. One friend uses 4B pencil on ordinary PVC labels- the lead is inert and he has them lasting a long time. In my garden I have bought aluminium labels with copper wire – imported from China. If you buy the soft aluminium type, you can buy a stylus from Spotlight and engrave the label. It will indent better if you have a piece of cardboard behind.
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