by admin | October 17, 2023 7:10 am
In the Dhofar region of southern Oman they cut into the papery bark of the Boswellia sacra tree then use a broad chisel to chip away a strip of bark exposing the orangey sap filled wood. White droplets appear on the surface of the wound – sticky and resinous swelling to form viscous globules, allowed to harden into small nuggets then picked off and heated over embers. The fragrance smells like peaches, furniture and old old churches! Besides being a perfume, it is sold in pellet form for the stomach, wood chips known as Bakhoor, oils and myrrh. The glassy and bitter smelling tree resin, burnt in the ancient world at funerals is nowadays prosaically a decongentant for children. Oman produces its own myrrh but it rarely comes on the market.
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