by admin | October 17, 2023 6:59 am
Note from Colin Westwood in Malaysia 2013: Not much news on the Durian front here in SE Asia, as sadly the changing climate has trebled the prices of last year and they are quite scarce. In Thailand, only found Montong and Baan and 60 THB/ kg was the cheapest price to be found. Here in Penang, Malaysia the choices are greater, but it just cost me 22 MYR for a 1.3kg Durian Horlow. Found a D 88 the other day too, at a similar price. The vendor, in Georgetown Penang, located on the corner of Chulia and Love Lane, opposite the 7/11 store, operates between June and August every year during the peak Durian season. He currently also has available D 24, D 600, D 15 also known as ‘green skin’ and one he called ‘red prawn’ but maybe the correct name was lost in translation as his thick Malay accent was hard to penetrate.
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