by admin | October 16, 2023 11:19 am
- Feijoa Jam Bring to the boil 2lb peeled & sliced Feijoas and ½ cup water then simmer until fruit is tender. Add 2 lb sugar, grated rind and juice of one lemon and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Bring to the boil and boil rapidly for 10 minutes. Test for setting and continue cooking as necessary until jam is set. Seal with paraffin wax.
- Feijoa Loaf
Place 1 cup peeled chopped feijoas, 1 cup boiling water, 1 cup sugar and 50g butter in a pan, simmer
5 minutes and cool slightly. Add 1 beaten egg, 2 cups self-raising flour and 1 teaspoon baking soda.
Pour mixture into a loaf tin and bake at 180 degrees C for 40-50 minutes. Yummy plain or buttered.
- Using Feijoa Skins Lindsay Smith has discovered a new treat, which uses a hitherto wasted resource, feijoa skins. The idea comes from a blog by PhD student Isa Ritchie who says: “I loosely fill a 1.5 litre sealable jar with the empty skins, then fill it almost to the top with water and add about ¼ cup of sugar (I guess honey would work too)…(the powdery stuff on the feijoa skin is actually yeast). “The flavour leaches out of the skins, along with vitamin C and other things I assume, and makes a delicious feijoa-tasting drink in a couple of days. When the weather was warmer it took two days on the bench to get to the fizzy-drink stage but now I’m experimenting with putting them in the hot water cupboard after a few less fizzy brews.” Lindsay reckons that since pears produce perry then feijoas might produce ferry. Your bibulous Nelson Branch newsletter editor Peter Syms had a wee taste of two-day old stuff and found it refreshing. Isa Ritchie also tried chopping the skins up into small pieces and cooking them in honey for a while – it created a sort of glaze which she thought would be great over cheesecake, or it could be poured into a jar and consumed as marmalade. Her daughter loves eating the glacé feijoa skins – she’s convinced they’re candy!
Source URL: https://stfc.org.au/recipes/feijoa/
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