Plant disease and pest websites, including identification and control information:

About LadybirdsThis CSIRO site provides an overview of ladybirds and their effectiveness at controlling pests. Of particular note is the food preferences of ladybirds, as only certain species may be effective at controlling certain types of pests.
Australian Plant Pathology SocietyPlant diseases information site.
Bishop Museum Scholarly PublicationsArticle, books and images available as .pdf fies. Collection includes Pacific Insects (1959-1983), International Journal of Entomology (1983-1985), Pacific Insects Monographs (1961-1986), Insects of Micronesia (1954-date)
Brisbane InsectsContains lots of pictures and information about insects in the greater Brisbane Queensland area.
Bugs for BugsA great resource for what bugs prey on pest bugs. Beneficial bugs can be purchased from the site.
International Society for Plant Pathology (ISPP)Study of plant diseases and health.
Organic Crop ProtectantsOrganic pest and disease controls.
Pestizid Aktions – Netwerk e.V. (PAN Germany) – english versionA charitable organisation which provides information on the adverse effects of pesticides and promotes environmentally friendly and socially just alternatives. The site includes “How to Grow Crops without Endosulfan – Field Guide to Non-chemical Pest Management…” downloadable as .pdf, describing cultural and physical control methods, beneficial insects, homemade solutions, and  plants used in pest control.
PestnetPestNet is an email network that helps people worldwide obtain rapid advice and information on crop protection, including the identification and management of plant pests. It started as a service for the Pacific, rapidly expanded to South East Asia, set up a separate service for the Caribbean, and now welcomes anyone interested in crop protection anywhere in the world…